Getting, S., & Swainey, K. (2012). First graders with ipads?. Learning and Leading with Technology,40(1), 24-27. Retrieved from
Sara Getting and Karin Swainey of Hilltop Elementary School,wanted to test the earning benefits of using iPads with their First Grade students. They decided to specifically focus their data collection on the observations and assessment results of the two lowest target reading groups in their classroom. The two teachers used the iPads to support the practice of reading skills like vocabulary, fluency and comprehension as well as to embed digital readiness skills. They also increased their own collaborative practices to elevate cohesion in interpretation of data and student assessment results. They also added the support of a Special Education teacher to help support students and gather data. The teachers initiated this project entirely on their own with the only district financial support for the purchase of the iPads. As they incorporated the iPad practice into their teaching, they also discovered that iPads not only seemed to be supporting literacy improvement with their most at risk students, but they also recognized that it was an effective tool for improving time-on task and classroom behavior. The article points out that there were a few drawbacks to the iPad use. one example was the noise of many interactive programs going on at once, became overwhelming. This was easily solved by asking for a small grant to purchase headphones. The end of the year results were that the teachers did produce data and observations to prove that iPad use for First Graders, especially those struggling readers, was beneficial and effective.
What struck me the most in this article was when Getting and Swainey described the process of initiating this project all on their own. Many times, I attend staff or department meetings, where a majority of the conversation revolves around teachers wanting to implement something but complain that they can't because "the District" won't support them. I think we should take a hint from these two professionals and just dive right into any project if we know that it will be a benefit for students. Yes, they did receive financial backing for the purchase, but they also did the homework to collect data and provide evidence to the effectiveness. Having the students present at the board meetings brilliant work! The public needs to see what we do by having our students show them! Far more effective than trying to let a data table or test scores in the paper, dictate their (the public) perceptions.
Question 1 Would I like to consider using iPads as a learning tool in my classroom?
Answer I would absolutely love to be able to utilize iPads in my teaching. I think that it is important for students to have access to current technology and learn to use it properly and not just understand it as an expensive toy that only wealthy kids get for birthday and holiday gifts. I like how iPads offer the ability to incorporate independent practice of remedial skills without the presentation of being remedial because it is so cool and interactive. Also, being a teacher of students with severe social emotional difficulties, I was drawn to the part of the article where the two teachers observed how the iPad use appeared to alter the negative behaviors of students who struggled with behavior previously. Awesome!!
Question 2 Should every teacher insist upon iPads as the go to tool for student improvement?
Answer While iPads do match the current technology trends, it is wrong for a teacher to assume that without it, you cannot be effective. Of coarse all students should be geared in the direction of digital readiness, but districts find it hard to afford the continual upgrade that technology requires. So, it is best to go into your room confident that you can work with your students, establish academic and social goals, differentiate instruction, and produce fun interactive meaningful practice, all on your own. My observations in the article were that there were practices that Getting and Swain added into their teaching, iPads aside, that also most likely added to the overall success of their students. One example of this would be the increase in meaningful collaboration with each other and support staff. Another example would be the more consistent attention to student behavior and time-on-task data measurement.
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Monday, August 6, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
Journal 8: Assistive Technology Tools
AAC ( Augmentative and Alternative Communication ): Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
includes all forms of communication, except oral speech, that are used to
express thoughts, needs, wants, and ideas. We all use AAC when we make facial
expressions or gestures, use symbols or pictures, or write. For many people identified with a disability or degenerative disease, a manifestation of that disability is the impairment of their ability to effectively communicate in the manner of their non-disabled peers.
Communication is the main way in which human beings access and maintain independence and quality of life. It is crucial that we act as advocates for those who are faced with this deficit in communication and provide access to quality AAC devices.
There are multitudes of high and low-tech tools available for the benefit of AAC. However it is important to research each device fully and consider the person's personal strengths, weaknesses and environment prior to helping to make a choice in technology tools. Below is an example of one high-tech and one lo-tech tool for AAC that I have used with students who are significantly impacted by their disability.
DynaVox EyeMax Systems are a high-tech device, that is used to communicate ideas and thoughts for people whose disability significantly impacts not only their communication but motor abilities. By using eye gaze, a person is able to concentrate on a variety of symbols, thought collections letters numbers and personalized messages to produce voiced communication. Using this device means that people are no longer trapped by the limitations of their bodies and their true cognitive abilities are able to be shared. In a classroom, this means that a student could be included into a classroom setting and maintain independence by not having to rely on an adult aide to interpret and share their thoughts. DynaVox systems can be used by people of all ages. The benefits and possibilities will be unique to each individual. Many people have already learned to use eye gaze as a form of communication for identifying objects or to simply respond to one word icons , placed before them. Using the DynaVox will be a more comfortable transition. For others, not yet familiar or proficient in eye gaze communication, work with Occupational and Speech Therapists will need to take place so that a person can achieve success. For a story of the life changing benefits of this system, visit the website:
Step by Step Switches This low-tech AAC support device is a series of several different colored large buttons, that attach to a simple recording device. A teacher, parent or peer can speak into the recorder and then assign responses that are determined by a different colored button. When a student presses on the switch the recorded direction, message or story will play back and the student will respond using another switch response. This is could help a student with AAC deficits, in identifying elements of a story, chronological order, or even responding to a multiple choice oral test. In this way, the student is still able to participate with their like non-disabled peers with modifications.
Input Device: The term "input devices" is used to define external hardware components, used to feed data and control signals to a computer system. These devices, along with output devices, constitute the process of human-computer interaction. For people with disabilities, input devices are needed so that they can access not only computer use but also all the daily technologies we have all come to rely on as part of our daily function ( e.g. transportation systems, ATM machines, phones). Once again, in considering assistive technology choices, it is crucial that the person it is intended for is a part of the selection and evaluation of possible choices.
LitePads These technological versions of notepads, provide support for people with a variety of processing deficits. It also can be used to support students who have limited ability to type.

Communication is the main way in which human beings access and maintain independence and quality of life. It is crucial that we act as advocates for those who are faced with this deficit in communication and provide access to quality AAC devices.
There are multitudes of high and low-tech tools available for the benefit of AAC. However it is important to research each device fully and consider the person's personal strengths, weaknesses and environment prior to helping to make a choice in technology tools. Below is an example of one high-tech and one lo-tech tool for AAC that I have used with students who are significantly impacted by their disability.
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DynaVox EyeMax device |
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Step-by-Step communication switches |
Input Device: The term "input devices" is used to define external hardware components, used to feed data and control signals to a computer system. These devices, along with output devices, constitute the process of human-computer interaction. For people with disabilities, input devices are needed so that they can access not only computer use but also all the daily technologies we have all come to rely on as part of our daily function ( e.g. transportation systems, ATM machines, phones). Once again, in considering assistive technology choices, it is crucial that the person it is intended for is a part of the selection and evaluation of possible choices.
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NEC Versa LitePad |
LitePads These technological versions of notepads, provide support for people with a variety of processing deficits. It also can be used to support students who have limited ability to type.
NEC Versa LitePad captures handwritten notes. The tablet supports handwriting
recognition, allowing students to write directly on the screen,using a special pen designed for the LitePad. The tablet translates the handwriting into keyboard-style
text. The person can handwrite, sketch, enter data e.g. math problems and start programs directly
from the tablet screen. It can also be used as a laptop. Many of the students that I have worked with liked to use this type of technology for note taking in class. Also, it is helpful in creating essay drafts because students can organize their thoughts in their own writing and then produce a typewritten draft.
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ZoomText icon |
Zoomtext Zoomtext is a software program that can be added onto a computer or other devices where there is text involved, and it will enlarge the text so that it is easier to read. Not only is this beneficial to students and people with vision impairments, but it is also beneficial for people and students who have disabilities in which sensory problems manifest. The look of a few words on a page of text is often less overwhelming. Many of my students with autism will automatically change the font in their computers to the largest possible size. The accessibility of larger text is also achievable through the settings section of a PC.
This blog post only highlights four of the myriad of assistive technology choices available. Again, it is crucial that the choice of any device, tool, software or hardware should be made with the person who will be utilizing it, involved in the process. Assistive technology is as much based on personal preference as anything else. It is important to consider how much assistance it is really providing and to what degree will any certain assistive tool, promote the independence of the user. Marlene's Blog is the personal day-to-day accounts of a mother observing the communication awakening of her son. It is a great way to understand that people with severe disabilities hold within themselves a strong desire to be independent and their voice heard.
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